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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Exam Finish lol....

Exam finally finish..
ApartFrom that,pls support my blog
Go to advertisment
Have money to earn ma...hehe..


eNNy said...

i click urs, u click mine.
earn money together. (^.~)

eNNy said...

by the way, u also can sign up in nuffnang or advertlets. it's pay per click. try to explore on it. (*.~)

CY said...

hey put the advertlets advertise in your blog la it easy to use and easy to earn money and you also must support my blog and at least a day go to my blog one times and if i have time i will also come to your blog because the advertlets is count by click..


and the advertise in my blog you no need click i don't care because i feel that it not take the money into account.

happyboy said...

ok la ...but i don't know how to put the advertisment in my blog..hope u all teach me la..