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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

《篮球火Hot Shot》

This holiday has 1 week long so i decided to watch something new drama or movie.i heard before have a drama that about basketball which is 《篮球火.Hot Shot》.Now i want to introduce the 《Hot Shot》to you all because it is very good .I am using Chinese to introduce the drama and sorry to anyone who don't know Chinese.

英文名:《Hot Shot》 导演:
主演:言承旭 ,罗志祥,吴尊,周采诗,胡宇崴
集数:90分钟/集 共18集


言承旭 饰演 东方翔   

罗志祥 饰演 元大鹰   

吴 尊 饰演 无极尊

蒋 怡 饰演 李 赢

周采诗 饰演 湛洁儿


霹雳大学,是一所以优异学术研究闻名全国的高级学府,学风严谨保守,在校长李子平‘重文轻武’的治学理念下,各项积极性的体育活动几乎绝迹。连一年一度激起全国青年热血参与的全国大专联赛 C.U.B.A.,五大篮球名校----玄武、苍龙、白虎、朱雀、澄麟,到底谁会得到冠军金杯?在这所学园里,没人关心!   


曾在 NBA教练团任职首席顾问、具有一眼就看穿选手篮球资质与程度的李赢,此次回国并向父亲李子平提出了在霹雳大学担任霹雳篮球队的教练一职,她对篮球有梦、有热忱,但父亲李子平却冷淡回应,甚至担心霹雳队那烂到不行的名声会毁了女儿之前在NBA球团累积的名声。李赢为向父亲证明自己的能力,她毅然决定成为霹雳篮球队指导教练。   


获得全国大专联赛最佳 MVP的天才明星球员----东方翔,竟然从不败的篮球名校玄武工学院转到霹雳大学来了!东方翔的出现,在霹雳大学内引起轰动,原因除了他风光的篮球经历,还有他出众的外型与不凡的家世背景(东方集团总裁的独子),再加上他高中时曾获得全国学科竞赛优选的优异表现,他的出现带来一阵旋风!   

而大鹰在进入霹雳后也结识了成绩优异的保送资优生 ----湛洁儿,因洁儿的长相让大鹰想起儿时玩伴-咕咕鸡。因移情作用大鹰对洁儿有着莫名的好感,但洁儿同时也是东方翔家中司机的女儿,两人之间也有着青梅竹马的暧昧情愫,三人在霹雳命运的交会,也注定会改写霹雳球队的历史… a picture that viewing in the drama ..

that calls "帥鹰扬"...That is proffesional jump moving o.." learn b4 don't practice"hehe~

He wants to get the ball on the air so use this technic..haha

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Olympic Start!!


This time talk about the most people spotted on the newspaper,news,and TV..which is the 2008 BEIJING OLYMPICS .On the 8/8/2008 8.08pm the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympic started..

The opening ceremony is awesome and cool..never seen before..

The technology of Beijing is very high tech ...


The slogan for the 2008 Olympics is "One World, One Dream"Chinese as  " " .The slogan calls upon the whole world to join in the Olympic spirit and build a better future for humanity. It was chosen from over 210,000 entries submitted from around the world.


The 2008 Olympic Mascots are the five Fuwa 福娃, literally "good luck dolls" initially known as Friendlies in English).


niaocaoBird's Nest florid at night

That stadium is the most beautiful stadium of the world...

Conclusion,Hope the Beijing Olympics can done well...and hope Malaysia athlete  can get many gold medals lolzz